WordWebNav (WWN):
System Requirements, Installation, and Compatibility
Installing and using WordWebNav (WWN) involves basic system-administration tasks. For users who are unfamiliar with those tasks, tutorials can be found online.
The WordWebNav (WWN) app is run to convert a Word document into a webpage.
Running the app requires Windows, Python 3.7 (or higher), and Microsoft Word.
A webserver is required, and access to its file system. Any standard webserver
should work, e.g., IIS.
WWN webpages are typically put on a webserver. The WWN webpages use a CSS file
and a JavaScript file, and they must also be put on the webserver.
Download the WWN package:
● WWN is distributed on GitHub, at https://github.com/jimyuill/word-web-nav.
● Click on the green Code button. Then, click to clone the repo, or to download a zip-file.
● The simplest technique is to download a zip-file. Then, unzip the file, and move the output directory somewhere appropriate, e.g., in the Documents directory.
Install and configure Python:
● Install Python 3.7 or higher.
● Then, install the required Python libraries. This can be done at a Windows' command-prompt:
> cd <WWN repo directory>
> pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy WWN's CSS and JavaScript files to the webserver:
● This step can be skipped if the WWN webpage is being accessed on the local filesystem. (That use is described in the WWN user’s guide.)
● WWN’s CSS and JavaScript files are loaded by WWN webpages. Typically, these files are stored on the same webserver as the WWN webpage. If these files are placed on a different webserver, cross-origin CSS may need to be configured (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Same-origin_policy).
● WWN’s CSS and JavaScript files are distributed in the WWN repo, in the directory assets.
● Copy the files to the webserver, in an appropriate directory, e.g., assets.
This section describes WWN’s compatibility with other systems and programs.
The WWN app has been tested with:
● Windows 10
● Python 3.7.0 and 3.9.6
● Microsoft Word
o Microsoft 365 MSO (16.0.14131.20278) 64-bit
o Word .doc* file-formats for Word 2003, Word 2010, Word 2013, Word 15
The WWN app requires Python 3, version 3.7 or higher. The app might work with Python 3 versions below 3.7. However, in our testing, the library yamllint did not install properly in Python 3.6.
WWN webpages have been tested on an IIS webserver.
WWN webpages are intended for use with desktop browsers, and for use with mobile devices with a relatively large screen. WWN webpages are not well-suited for smartphones, as the screen is too small for reading Word documents.
WWN webpages have been tested on these desktop browsers:
● Windows 10
o Firefox 87.0
o IE version 2004, build 19041
o Edge version 89.0.774.54
o Chrome version 89.0.4389.82
● Ubuntu
o Firefox 86.0.1
● Mac OS
o Firefox 82.0
o Chrome 87.0
WWN webpages were not fully tested on Mac OS. A testing server was used, and it only provided a screenshot of the browser with a WWN webpage. No interaction with the browser was possible.
WWN webpages have not been tested on smartphones. In experiments
with an iPhone, the WWN webpage could be viewed, but some of the webpage
features did not work properly, e.g., the splitter bar.
WWN webpages use WWN's CSS and JavaScript files. Those files use the libraries jQuery and jQuery UI. For a WWN webpage to display properly, the browser must be compatible with the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries. The major browsers are compatible. The libraries' compatibility with browsers is specified at:
● https://jquery.com/browser-support/
● https://jqueryui.com/browser-support/
A WWN webpage uses the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries at https://code.jquery.com. For a WWN webpage to display properly in a browser, those libraries must be accessible from the browser. For instance, the browser's firewall must allow access to the libraries’ URLs. Those libraries are widely used, so they should be accessible from most networks. For WWN webpages, the location of those libraries can be changed; see the WWN file jinja_template.html.
Copyright (c) 2021 – present, by Jim Yuill, under the license at https://github.com/jimyuill/word-web-nav