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WWN Development Documents



WWN is open-source, and programmers are invited to add features to it. 

The WWN development-documents are provided here to help with future development.  Feel free contact me (the WWN author) for additional help.

In creating WWN, I recorded my research and development notes in Word documents.  Those documents are linked below, as WWN web-pages. (The Word-documents themselves are also in the WWN repo, mostly under docs\development-docs.)

I wrote the development-documents for my own use while creating WWN.  But, much of that info should be useful for others, in enhancing WWN.

Overview of the Development-Documents

To create WWN I had to learn several new technologies (e.g., CSS) and tools (e.g., Beautiful Soup).  The development-documents have links to the tutorials and reference documents that I found helpful, as well as notes for needed information.
The development-documents also contain my notes from research, design and coding.  These notes record critical info that was non-trivial to figure-out, and which I’d otherwise forget.


The Development-Documents


The documents’ file-names are listed below, but without the .docx extension.

·         WWN is implemented as a Python package.  Its modules and call-graph are described.

o      $repo-contents (1 page)

o      $package-contents (1 page)


·         WWN’s input parameter-file is in YAML format. YAML tools are used to verify it, and load it into a Python dictionary.

o      WWN--input-parameter-file--YAML-use (2 pages)


·         For the WWN web-page, its frames and controls are implmented using CSS and JQuery.

o      web-page--structure--css--jquery (13 pages)

o      web-page--structure--css-tutorials (14 pages)


·         The WWN web-page is constructed using a Jinja2 template. The Word HTML is parsed and edited using Beautiful Soup.

o      web-page--construction--beautiful-soup--jinja (13 pages)


·         The input Word-file is in Word’s HTML format.  WWN parses the file and modifies it.  A navigation-pane is created from the Word table-of-contents.  The Word HTML is searched for a set of known bugs, and the HTML is edited to fix them.

o      web-page--html-tutorials (9 pages)

o      word-html--references-and-info (3 pages)

o      word-html--table-of-contents (9 pages)

o      word-html--bugs-and-fixes (37 pages)


·         WWN testing

o      WWN--testing (13 pages)

o      WWN--testing--regression-tests.docx (2 pages)