paste_text_from_kindle : example use
This page shows the problems encountered when copy-and-pasting from a Kindle book.
And, it shows how paste_text_from_kindle fixes those problems.
● Example text, copied from a Kindle book (screen-shot)
● Pasting the clipboard (shown below):
o paste_text_from_kindle was not used.
o There is no blank line between the two paragraphs.
o Kindle added a blank line and the bibliographic info, “Amos, Brian. Hands-On. . .”
Soft real-time systems are the most lax when it comes to how often the system must meet its deadlines. These systems often offer only a best-effort promise for keeping deadlines. Cruise control in a car is a good example of a soft real-time system because there are no hard specifications or expectations of it. Drivers typically don't expect their speed to converge to within +/- x mph/kph of the
Amos, Brian. Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers: Building real-time embedded systems using FreeRTOS, STM32 MCUs, and SEGGER debug tools (pp. 20-21). Packt Publishing. Kindle Edition.
● Pasting the clipboard, using paste_text_from_kindle (shown below):
o The two paragraphs are separated by a blank line.
o The text was made italics, to show it’s quoted text.
o The lines added by Kindle were removed.
Soft real-time systems are the most lax when it comes to how often the system must meet its deadlines. These systems often offer only a best-effort promise for keeping deadlines.
Cruise control in a car is a good example of a soft real-time system because there are no hard specifications or expectations of it. Drivers typically don't expect their speed to converge to within +/- x mph/kph of the